Wednesday 25 November 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong?  Well, that was my Wednesday last week. Things started going sour the minute I woke up. Did my alarm go off? Or did it go off and I just slept right through it? Either way, I was running late for work. So, I got dressed in lighting speed, slapped together my lunch, jumped into my car and started my typical drive to work. Mid-way to work, I realize that I forgot the lunch I had just prepared on the counter, at home. Oh well, I will have to buy lunch. At least I can have breakfast. I finally get to work and start to prepare my breakfast, like I always do.

Milk, check. Bowl, check. Cereal - hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't have dumped most of it on the floor by accident. Off to my meetings I go! Back to back until 2:00 p.m. The cafeteria is now closed, I have to leave the office to get lunch. Off I go to Porta Via. Rapid pick up, and then back to work. I realize I am now 30 minutes late to a meeting! How did I miss that? Time is flying.....

3:30 p.m. - I catch a glimpse of my co-worker Larry coming around the corner, carrying a familiar beige coloured tray with 4 very festive red cups. He had brought coffee for the team from McCafe! I don't even drink coffee, but he put a smile on my face. Suddenly my day started to turn around. All it took was one small act of kindness to make me McHappy!

Friday 20 November 2015

Hope for Humanity

Sometimes, the most amazing acts of kindness are seen in the midst of tragedy.  In the wake of the atrocious bombings in France last week, the inhabitants of the city of lights banned together to help one another.  Countless Parisians showed their generocity and love by offering their homes to those that needed refuge after the attacks.  Spreading the word on Twitter through the hashtag #porteouverte, they welcomed complete strangers into their homes, providing food and shelter.  Taxi drivers offered their assistance by providing safe passage out of the city for free, and people all over the world showed their support by changing their profile pictures to display the French flag.

Despite the horrific events of last week, there are still people in the world willing to lend a helping hand, there is still hope for humanity.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Gentleman

The Gentleman:  an educated, civilized, or well-mannered man.

The gentlemen of the past were polite, civil and considerate, especially to the ladies they encountered. There were specific rules of engagement in a presence of a lady:
  • Always stand when a woman enters a room
  • Remove your hat when a woman approaches
  • Always hold the door open, allowing a woman to enter first
  • Ensure a woman is seated first when dining
  • Offer to help a woman when she is carrying heavy items
But does the Gentleman still exist today or is he a man from the past?

I'm happy to report that the Gentleman is not a figment of our imagination, he still lives among us. I was recently in New Orleans when I met a gentleman of modern day.  I was not feeling well and had walked to the general store down the street to purchase some necessities to combat the germs: juice, water, cold & flu meds. Unfortunately, I had misjudged the number of items I had purchased and struggled to make it back to the hotel with my grocery bags in tow.  Disheveled and exhausted, I made it to the elevators and perched myself on a nearby bench to catch my breath. I must have looked like a mess because just then, like a knight in shining armour, a gentleman came to my rescue. He was going to a different floor, but he offered to help, carrying the heavy bags to my floor. It was a small gesture of gentlemanly kindness, but one I will always remember.  So thank you kind sir, I truly appreciated your help.

photo credit