Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Gentleman

The Gentleman:  an educated, civilized, or well-mannered man.

The gentlemen of the past were polite, civil and considerate, especially to the ladies they encountered. There were specific rules of engagement in a presence of a lady:
  • Always stand when a woman enters a room
  • Remove your hat when a woman approaches
  • Always hold the door open, allowing a woman to enter first
  • Ensure a woman is seated first when dining
  • Offer to help a woman when she is carrying heavy items
But does the Gentleman still exist today or is he a man from the past?

I'm happy to report that the Gentleman is not a figment of our imagination, he still lives among us. I was recently in New Orleans when I met a gentleman of modern day.  I was not feeling well and had walked to the general store down the street to purchase some necessities to combat the germs: juice, water, cold & flu meds. Unfortunately, I had misjudged the number of items I had purchased and struggled to make it back to the hotel with my grocery bags in tow.  Disheveled and exhausted, I made it to the elevators and perched myself on a nearby bench to catch my breath. I must have looked like a mess because just then, like a knight in shining armour, a gentleman came to my rescue. He was going to a different floor, but he offered to help, carrying the heavy bags to my floor. It was a small gesture of gentlemanly kindness, but one I will always remember.  So thank you kind sir, I truly appreciated your help.

photo credit

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